The origin of the word “HELEL” is biblical. In the Bible, HELEL is the name given to a figure who is described as a shining star or angel. In the book of Isaiah, HELEL is described as “shining” and “exalted” and is sometimes associated with the fall of the angels.

In other contexts, HELEL is sometimes used as a synonym for the Devil or as a reference to Satan. However, its meaning and usage can vary depending on the religious or cultural context in which it is used.

In the biblical context, HELEL is described as a shining star or angel in the book of Isaiah. In this context, it is often used to refer to the beauty and glory of God’s creation, and is seen as a symbol of God’s power and majesty.

In other religious contexts, HELEL may be used to refer to a fallen angel, a demon, or even the Devil. For example, in some Jewish mystical traditions, HELEL is considered a demonic figure who represents pride and ambition.

In popular culture, HELEL may also be used as a reference to Satan or as a symbol of evil. For example, in some heavy metal music, HELEL is used as a symbol of rebellion against traditional religious norms and values.

Overall, the meaning and usage of HELEL can vary greatly depending on the context in which it is used, and it is important to understand the cultural or religious context in which HELEL is being used in order to fully understand its intended meaning.

Why HELEL for the consulting firm

We selected HELEL in relation to the meaning of it’s biblical term referring to a shining star or angel. In this context, HELEL symbolizes the beauty and glory of God’s creation and is seen as a representation of God’s power and majesty. It is a symbol of light, hope, and inspiration, and serves as a reminder of the awe-inspiring wonders of the universe. HELEL, in this sense, is a positive and uplifting term, embodying the idea of divine beauty and grace.

Choosing the name HELEL for our business consulting firm was intended to symbolize light, guidance, and inspiration. By aligning the company with the image of a shining star, we are trying to convey the idea that we will provide insightful and innovative solutions that will help businesses navigate challenges and reach new heights. The name HELEL could also evoke a sense of trust and reliability, as stars have been used as navigational tools for centuries.

We also chose the name HELEL as it also suggests a company that offers a unique and insightful perspective, helping clients to shine and reach their full potential. By using a name that has positive connotations of guidance, direction, and inspiration, we want to be seen as a trusted partner for businesses in need of support and direction.

Overall, the choice of HELEL as a name for our consulting firm is intended to convey the idea of providing expert guidance and innovative solutions that help companies reach new heights and succeed.

And that’s it! This is the story behind the name

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